Ελληνικοί Λουκουμάδες με Alfa Honey® - Κρητικό Μέλι, Οικογένεια Φραγκιαδάκης

Greek Doughnuts with Alfa Honey


For the doughnuts

240gr of lukewarm milk
240gr of lukewarm water
15gr of dry yeast (2 sachets approx.)
450gr all-purpose flour
2 tbsp. sugar
1 level tsp. salt
4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil for frying

For the garnish

350gr Alfa Honey
Cinnamon powder
Finely crushed walnuts

For the chocolate sauce

200gr Couverture chocolate, diced
110gr water
75gr fine sugar


Begin with the dough: add the water and the yeast in the mixer bowl. Stir with a fork until the yeast is completely dissolved. Add the rest of the ingredients for the dough. Give the mixture a good wallop using the wire beater at high speed for about 2 minutes until batter. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave batter to rest in a warm spot for at least an hour until it doubles.

To fry the doughnuts add a good amount of olive oil in a medium pot. Heat the oil. To test if ready, trickle a drop of the batter in the oil, if it starts to sizzle, it is ready for frying.

Dip a tablespoon in water and then use it to scoop out a portion of the batter. Without touching the hot oil with the spoon, drop the batter in the oil. Repeat as needed, making sure you don’t overcrowd the doughnuts in the frying pot. While the Loukoumades (doughnuts) are frying, use a wire ladle to push and roll them over into the oil, so that they brown all over. Use the wire ladle to remove them from the pan and onto a kitchen towel roll-covered plate.

Repeat with the rest of the batter. When done, place the Loukoumades in a large plate, pour the warm honey over them and amply sprinkle cinnamon and crushed walnuts.

If you are in a… chocolate state of mind, pour some (or… a lot!) chocolate sauce over your mouthwatering Loukoumades! To prepare the sauce, add the sugar and water in a bowl and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring continuously until the sugar completely dissolves. Add the diced chocolate and continue stirring until the chocolate melts and the mixture is smooth.

Pour the chocolate over the Loukoumades and sprinkle crushed walnuts or almonds.


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